Research Article On Vertex-Based Dimension of Some Graphs Joining Certain Prism Graphs

Graduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Reports & Reviews
Volume 01, Issue 2, Pages 46-53
ISSN(E): 2584-2919

On Vertex-Based Dimension of Some Graphs Joining Certain Prism Graphs

M. Gayathri

Department of Mathematics, Government First Grade College, Varthur, Bangalore-560087
Affiliated to Bangalore North University.
ORCID: 0009-0002-2908-9451
(Received: 17-03-24; Accepted: 03-04-24)

ABSTRACT: Background:In graph theory, the prism graph is a type of graph that is characterised by having the structure of a prism as its underlying framework. The notion of a resolving set and that of metric dimension for a graph of a prism is important in uniquely identifying the vertices within a prism graph. For a non-trivial connected graph Γ𝑟= Γ𝑟(𝑉,𝐸), an ordered subset 𝑈 of vertices 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑠 any pair of different vertices 𝑦1,𝑦2 𝑉, if 𝑑(𝑣,𝑦1)𝑑(𝑣,𝑦2) for some 𝑣𝑈. Such a set 𝑈 is said to be a resolving set for Γ𝑟 and the smallest cardinality of 𝑈 is called the 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 of Γ𝑟.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to determine the notion of resolving sets and their corresponding metric dimensions for two complex families of planar graphs obtained by joining 𝑚-copies of the prism graph on known families of convex polytope graphs.
Methods:The methods used are purely theoretical, based on mathematical reasoning and established definitions related to graph theory.
Results: In this article, we have determined successfully the resolving set and metric dimension for two specific complex families of planar graphs, denoted by L𝑛 and M𝑛, constructed using 𝑚-copies of a prism graph. These findings contribute to our understanding of these concepts within graph theory.
Conclusions: This research indicates the importance of studying resolving sets and metric dimensions in various graph structures, particularly those derived from multiple copies of the prism graph connected through known families of convex polytope graphs. This work may inspire further investigations into similar graph families or other applications of these concepts in different areas of mathematics and computer science. Keywords: Metric dimension, independent set, basis set, convex polytope, prism graphs
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C12

1.   Introduction

It has been observed that the graph of an 𝑘-gonal (where 𝑘N and 𝑘3) prism exhibits a distinct pattern in terms of its vertices and edges. Specifically, it has been determined that an 𝑘-gonal prism possesses 2𝑘 vertices and 3𝑘 edges. This finding provides valuable insight into the structural properties of 𝑘-gonal prisms and contributes to our understanding of their geometric characteristics. The graphs in question exhibit regularity and possess a cubic structure. Prism graphs possess the property of vertex-transitivity due to the presence of symmetries that map each vertex to every other vertex. As polyhedral graphs, they exhibit the property of being 3-vertex-connected planar graphs. It has been observed that every prism graph, which is a specific type of graph formed by connecting two copies of a cycle graph with corresponding vertices, possesses a Hamiltonian cycle. A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that visits each vertex exactly once. Researchers have extensively studied this property and proven its validity for all prism graphs [1].

Throughout this article, all graphs under consideration are connected, non-trivial, undirected, and simple. Let Γ𝑟 =(𝑉,𝐸) be a graph with 𝑉(Γ𝑟) and 𝐸(Γ𝑟) as its vertex and edge set respectively. The shortest length path between two distinct vertices 𝑦1 and 𝑦2 in 𝑉(Γ𝑟), is referred to as the distance (𝑑(𝑦1,𝑦2)) between 𝑦1 and 𝑦2 in Γ𝑟. The number of distinct edges incident on a vertex 𝑦 in Γ𝑟 is known as the degree of 𝑣 (denoted by 𝑑𝑦). Two vertices 𝑦1 and 𝑦2 in Γ𝑟 are said to resolved by a vertex 𝑦, if 𝑑(𝑦,𝑦1)𝑑(𝑦,𝑦2) in Γ𝑟. Then, a subset 𝑈𝑉(Γ𝑟) with this property, i.e., every pair of unequal vertices in Γ𝑟 can be resolved by at least one member of 𝑈, is said to be a resolving set (RS) for Γ𝑟. The smallest cardinality set 𝑈 with resolving characteristic is called the metric basis (MB) for Γ𝑟, and the MB set cardinality is the metric dimension (MD) for Γ𝑟, represented by 𝑑𝑖𝑚(Γ𝑟) [23].

For a subset 𝑈={𝑦1,𝑦2,𝑦3,...,𝑦𝑠} of distinct ordered vertices in 𝑉(Γ𝑟), the unique 𝑠-length tuple code for each 𝑞𝑉(Γ𝑟) is given as follows ζ(𝑞|𝑈)=(𝑑(𝑞,𝑦1),𝑑(𝑞,𝑦2),𝑑(𝑞,𝑦3),...,𝑑(𝑞,𝑦𝑠)). Using this fact, the subset 𝑈 is a RS for Γ𝑟, if ζ(𝑦1|𝑈)ζ(𝑦2|𝑈), for every pair of different vertices 𝑦1,𝑦2 𝑉(Γ𝑟). Next, a subset 𝑈 in 𝑉(Γ𝑟) with distinct vertices is said to be a resolving independent set for Γ𝑟, if it is (i) independent set as well as (ii) a RS in Γ𝑟. A proper subset of a RS is not necessarily a RS, while a superset of every RS is always aRS [4].

Figure 1: Graph Γ*

To understand the concept of RS and MD, let us consider a graph Γ* on 5 vertices and 7 edges, as shown in Fig. 1. To find the metric dimension of Γ*, we suppose that 𝑈1 ={𝑣1,𝑣4} (red color vertices in Γ*). Next, metric codes for each vertex in Γ* with respect to 𝑈1 are as follows: ζ(𝑣1|𝑈1)=(0,1), ζ(𝑣2|𝑈1)=(1,2), ζ(𝑣3|𝑈1)=(2,2), ζ(𝑣4|𝑈1)=(1,0), and ζ(𝑣5|𝑈1)=(1,1). From this, we find that the metric codes for all the vertices in Γ* corresponding to the set 𝑈1 are unique, and so we say that 𝑈1 is a resolving set for Γ*. Also, 𝑈1 is the minimum resolving set for Γ*, as the cardinality of 𝑈1 is 2 [5]. Hence, we have concluded that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(Γ*)=2.

Slater [3] and Harary & Melter [2] independently introduced the concept of MD of a graph in 1970s. There is a wide range of literature available on MD that addresses both theoretical and practical aspects. The MD has appeared in various areas including combinatorial optimization, sonar, pharmaceutical chemistry, robot navigation, graph isomorphism testing, and many more see [678910] and references therein.

The computation of MD for distinct graph families, is always a challenging task because deciding and selecting of a landmark (resolving) vertices in minimum numbers is not that easy due to the complexity and scalability of the considered graph network. Further, the notion of MD was extended as well as investigated by eminent researchers from time to time and named them as the variants of MD [11]. Several authors have studied MD and its related variants for several distinct graphs as well as for various other graph-theoretic aspects, for instance prism graph, path graph, complete graph, cycle graph, cycle graph with chords, antiprism graph, several ladder graphs (pentagonal, heptagonal, etc), convex polytope graph, wheel graph, tadpole graph, kayak paddle graph, and numerous planar and chemical graphs [4679101213]. Even though after investigating these notions for the large number of graph families, there are still many families for which these notions are not investigated to date.
In this paper, two planar graph families, viz., L𝑛 and M𝑛 has been constructed, which are obtained by taking 𝑚-copies (𝑞= 𝑚) of the prism graph on the two known convex polytope graphs N𝑛 [9] and 𝑈𝑛 [7], respectively. For these so obtained graphs, we investigate their minimal MB sets and finally obtain their MD. To carry out these results, we need the following result:

Figure 2: The Graph L𝑛

Proposition 1.1. [5] For a connected graph Γ𝑟 with metric dimension two i.e., the metric basis 𝑈for Γ𝑟 has cardinality two, and say 𝑈={𝑦1,𝑦2}. Then, the following three points for Γ𝑟 are true:

  1. Always shortest unique path 𝑃between 𝑦1 and 𝑦2 exist,

  2. 𝑑𝑦1 and 𝑑𝑦2 is at most 3, and

  3. The 𝑑𝑣 is at most 5, for any 𝑣𝑃.

The following paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, we consider an infinite family of convex polytope L𝑛 and find its minimum RS with its respective MD. In Section 3, we consider an infinite family of convex polytope M𝑛 and find its minimum RS with its respective MD. Finally, the conclusion and future scope of the manuscript is presented.

2.   Minimum Vertex Resolving Number of L𝑛

In this section, we investigate some of the basic properties and the MD of a planar graph L𝑛. The graph L𝑛 consists of 𝑛(𝑞+3) vertices and 𝑛(2𝑞+5) edges (see Fig.2). The sets containing vertices and edges for planar graph L𝑛 are denoted by 𝑉(L𝑛) and 𝐸(L𝑛) respectively, where 𝐸(L𝑛)={𝑗α 𝑗α+1 ,𝑗α 𝑘α ,𝑘α 𝑗α+1 ,𝑘α 𝑙α ,𝑙α 𝑚α 1,𝑚α 1𝑙α+1 ,𝑚α 𝑠𝑚α+1 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}∪{𝑚α 𝑠𝑚α 𝑠+1 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞-1} and 𝑉(L𝑛)={𝑗α ,𝑘α ,𝑙α ,𝑚α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}.

We call vertices {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, as 𝑗-cycle vertices in L𝑛, the vertices {𝑘α ,𝑙α : 1 α𝑛}, as inner vertices in L𝑛, and the vertices {𝑚α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}, as outer vertices in L𝑛. In the following result, we investigate the MD of L𝑛.

Theorem 2.1. 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)=3, where 𝑛6 is a positive integer.

Proof. Now, the following cases, which depend on the natural 𝑛, can be employed to investigate this result.

Case(I) 𝑛0(𝑚𝑜𝑑 2).
We set 𝑛=2𝑦; 𝑦Z+ and 𝑦3. Let 𝑈={𝑗2,𝑗𝑦+1,𝑗𝑛}⊂𝑉(L𝑛). Next, each vertex of L𝑛 has given metric coordinate corresponding to the taken set 𝑈.
For vertices over 𝑗-cycle, i.e., {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

ꎧ||(1,𝑦,α),                    α = 1;
||(α - 2,𝑦 - α +1,α)           2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
|||(α - 2,𝑦 - α +1,2𝑦 - α)      α = 𝑦+ 1;
|||(2𝑦 - α + 2,α - 𝑦 - 1,2𝑦- α) 𝑦 +2 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦.

For the vertices {𝑘α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

ꎧ||(1,𝑦- α + 1,α + 1)       α = 1;
||||(α - 1,𝑦 - α +1,α + 1)    2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦 - 1;
|||(α - 1,𝑦 - α +1,2𝑦 - α)   α = 𝑦;
|(α - 1,α - 𝑦,2𝑦 - α)      α = 𝑦 + 1;
||||(2𝑦 - α + 2,α - 𝑦,2𝑦 - α) 𝑦+ 2 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦- 1;
||(2𝑦 - α + 2,α - 𝑦,1)     α = 2 𝑦.

For the vertices {𝑙α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑙α |𝑈)= ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, for the vertices {𝑚α 1 : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

                                      ζ(𝑚1 |𝑈)=
ꎧ||| (3,𝑦 - α +2,α + 3)              α = 1;
|||| (α + 1,𝑦- α + 2,α + 3)         2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦 - 1;
|| (α + 1,3,2𝑦- α + 1)            α = 𝑦;
||| (2𝑦- α +3,α - 𝑦+ 2,2𝑦 - α + 1) 𝑦+ 1 ≤ α
|||                                ≤ 2𝑦- 2;
|⎩ (2𝑦- α +3,α - 𝑦+ 2,3)          2𝑦- 1 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦.

Finally, for the vertices {𝑚α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,2 𝑠𝑞}, the co-ordinates are ζ(𝑚α 𝑠|𝑈)=ζ(𝑚α 1|𝑈)+(𝑠-1,𝑠-1,𝑠-1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, these codes for all vertices in L𝑛 are unique and distinct from one and an other in at least one co-ordinate, which results in 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)≤3.

Now, for reverse inequality i.e., 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)≥3, we show that no set 𝑈 with |𝑈|=2, form a RS for L𝑛. Assuming 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)=2 (on contrary). Using proposition 1, we have following to discuss for RS 𝑈 with |𝑈|= 2 in L𝑛:

  1. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑘𝑔}, 𝑘𝑔 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|𝑈) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|𝑈), for 2 𝑔𝑦-1, ζ(𝑙2|𝑈) = ζ(𝑘𝑛-1|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦, and ζ(𝑗2|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗1|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦+ 1, a contradiction.

  2. Let 𝑈= {𝑙1,𝑙𝑔}, 𝑙𝑔 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|𝑈) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|𝑈), for 2 𝑔𝑦-1, ζ(𝑝3|𝑈) = ζ(𝑚22|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦, and ζ(𝑗2|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗1|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦+ 1, a contradiction.

  3. Let 𝑈= {𝑚1𝑞,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑚1𝑞-1|𝑈)= ζ(𝑚𝑛𝑞|𝑈), for 2 𝑔𝑦, and ζ(𝑚2𝑞|𝑈)= ζ(𝑚𝑛𝑞|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  4. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑙𝑔}, 𝑙𝑔 (1 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|𝑈) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|𝑈), for 1 𝑔𝑦-1, ζ(𝑚11|𝑈) = ζ(𝑝3|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦, and ζ(𝑗2|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗1|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦+ 1, a contradiction.

  5. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (1 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗1|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗2|𝑈), for 𝑔= 1, ζ(𝑚𝑛1|𝑈) = ζ(𝑘2|𝑈), when 2 𝑔𝑦, and ζ(𝑚𝑦+11|𝑈)= ζ(𝑙𝑦+2|𝑈), when 𝑔=𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  6. Let 𝑈= {𝑙1,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (1 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗1|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗2|𝑈), for 𝑔= 1, ζ(𝑚𝑛-11|𝑈) = ζ(𝑗2|𝑈), when 2 𝑔𝑦-1, ζ(𝑚𝑦1|𝑈) = ζ(𝑚𝑦-12|𝑈), when 𝑔= 𝑦, and ζ(𝑚𝑦+11|𝑈) = ζ(𝑚𝑦+22|𝑈), when 𝑔=𝑦+1, a contradiction.

Thus, from this we have 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)≥3, implying that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)=3, 𝑛6.

Case(II) 𝑛1(𝑚𝑜𝑑 2).

We set 𝑛= 2𝑦+1; 𝑦Z+ and 𝑦3. Let 𝑈={𝑗2,𝑗𝑦+1,𝑗𝑛}⊂𝑉(L𝑛). Next, each vertex of L𝑛 has given metric coordinate corresponding to the taken set 𝑈.

For vertices over 𝑗-cycle, i.e., {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

ꎧ|| (1,𝑦,α)                         α = 1;
|||| (α - 2,𝑦 - α + 1,α)            2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
|| (α - 2,𝑦 - α + 1,2𝑦- α + 1)    α = 𝑦+ 1;
|| (α - 2,α - 𝑦- 1,2𝑦- α + 1)     α = 𝑦+ 2;
||| (2𝑦- α +3,α - 𝑦- 1,2𝑦 - α + 1) 𝑦+ 3 ≤ α
||⎩                                ≤ 2𝑦+ 1.

For the vertices {𝑘α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

                                 ζ( 𝑘 | 𝑈)=
ꎧ||| (1,𝑦 - α +1,α + 1)           α = 1;
|||| (α - 1,𝑦 - α + 1,α + 1)     2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
|| (α - 1,α - 𝑦,2𝑦- α +1)      α = 𝑦 +1;
|||| (2𝑦- α +3,α - 𝑦,2𝑦- α + 1)  𝑦+ 2 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦;
|| (2𝑦- α +3,α - 𝑦,1)          α = 2𝑦 +1.

Figure 3: The Graph M𝑛

Forthe vertices {𝑙α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑙α |𝑈)=ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, for the vertices {𝑚α 1 : 1 α𝑛}, the co-ordinates are

                                   ζ(𝑚 α |𝑈)=
ꎧ|(3,𝑦- α + 2,α + 3)             α = 1;
|||(α +1,𝑦 - α + 2,α +3)          2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦- 1;
||||(α +1,3,2𝑦 - α + 2)            α = 𝑦;
||(2𝑦 - α + 4,α - 𝑦 +2,2𝑦 - α +2) 𝑦 +2 ≤ α
||||                               ≤ 2𝑦 - 1;
||||(2𝑦 - α + 4,α - 𝑦 +2,3)        α = 2𝑦;
⎩(2𝑦 - α + 4,𝑦+ 2,3)            α = 2𝑦+ 1.

Finally, for the vertices {𝑚α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,2 𝑠𝑞}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑚α 𝑠|𝑈)=ζ(𝑚α 1|𝑈)+(𝑠-1,𝑠-1,𝑠-1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, these codes for all vertices in L𝑛 are unique and distinct from one and an other in at least one co-ordinate, which results in 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)≤3. Assuming that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)= 2, then as in Case (I), we have the same contradictions. Therefore, we have 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)= 3 as well in this case, which proofs the theorem.

Proposition 2.2. The resolving independent number for L𝑛 is 3, 𝑛6.

Proof. For the proof, follow Theorem 2.1.

3.   Minimum Vertex Resolving Number of M𝑛

In this section, we investigate some of the basic properties and the MD of a planar graph M𝑛 (see Fig. 3). The graph M𝑛 consists of 𝑛(𝑞+4) vertices and 𝑛(2𝑞+6) edges. The sets containing vertices and edges for planar graph M𝑛 are denoted by 𝑉(M𝑛) and 𝐸(M𝑛) respectively, where 𝐸(M𝑛)={𝑗α 𝑗α+1 ,𝑗α 𝑘α ,𝑘α 𝑘α+1 ,𝑘α 𝑙α ,𝑙α 𝑚α ,𝑚α 𝑙α+1 ,𝑚α 𝑜α 1,𝑜α 𝑠𝑜α+1 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠 𝑞}∪{𝑜α 𝑠𝑜α 𝑠+1 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞-1} and 𝑉(M𝑛)={𝑗α ,𝑘α ,𝑙α ,𝑚α ,𝑜α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}.
We call vertices {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, as 𝑗-cycle vertices in M𝑛, the vertices {𝑘α : 1 α𝑛}, as 𝑘-cycle vertices in M𝑛, the vertices {𝑙α ,𝑚α : 1 α𝑛}, as 𝑙𝑚-cycle vertices in M𝑛, and the vertices {𝑜α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞} as outer vertices in M𝑛. In the following result, we investigate the MD of M𝑛.

Theorem 3.1. 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛) = 3, where 𝑛6 is a positive integer.

Proof. Now, the following cases, which depend on the natural 𝑛, can be employed to investigate this result.

Case(I) 𝑛0(𝑚𝑜𝑑 2).
We set 𝑛= 2𝑦; 𝑦Z+ and 𝑦3. Let 𝑈={𝑗2,𝑗𝑦+1,𝑗𝑛}⊂𝑉(M𝑛). Next, each vertex of M𝑛 has given metric coordinate corresponding to the taken set 𝑈.
For vertices over 𝑗-cycle, i.e., {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

ꎧ|| (1,𝑦,α)                      α = 1;
  (α - 2,𝑦 - α + 1,α)         2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
||| (α - 2,𝑦 - α + 1,2𝑦- α)     α = 𝑦 + 1;
||| (2𝑦- α +2,α - 𝑦- 1,2𝑦 - α)  𝑦+ 2 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦.

For the vertices {𝑘α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)= ζ(𝑗α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, for the vertices {𝑙α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑙α |𝑈)= ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛.
For the vertices {𝑚α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

                                   ζ(𝑚 α|𝑈)=
||||(3,𝑦- α + 3,α + 3)             α = 1;
|||(α +1,𝑦 - α + 3,α +3)          2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦- 1;
||||(α +1,𝑦 - α + 3,2𝑦 - α + 2)    α = 𝑦;
||(α +1,α - 𝑦+ 2,2𝑦 - α + 2)     α = 𝑦+ 1;
|||(2𝑦 - α + 4,α - 𝑦 +2,2𝑦 - α +2) 𝑦 +2 ≤ α
||||                               ≤ 2𝑦 - 1;
|⎩(2𝑦 - α + 4,α - 𝑦 +2,3)        α = 2𝑦.

Finally, for the vertices {𝑜α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑜α 𝑠|𝑈)=ζ(𝑚α |𝑈)+(𝑠,𝑠,𝑠) for 1 α𝑛.

Next, these codes for all vertices in M𝑛 are unique and distinct from one and an other in at least one co-ordinate, which results in 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)≤3. Now, for reverse inequality i.e., 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)≥3, we show that no set 𝑈 with |𝑈|= 2, form a RS for M𝑛. Now, for reverse inequality i.e., 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)≥3, we show that no set 𝑈 with |𝑈|= 2, form a RS for M𝑛. Assuming 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)=2 (on contrary). Using proposition 1, we have following to discuss for RS 𝑈 with |𝑈|= 2 in M𝑛:

  1. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑘𝑔}, 𝑘𝑔 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|R) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|R), for 2 𝑔 𝑦-1; ζ(𝑙2|R) = ζ(𝑘𝑛-1|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦; and ζ(𝑗2|R) = ζ(𝑗1|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  2. Let 𝑈= {𝑙1,𝑙𝑔}, 𝑙𝑔 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|R) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|R), for 2 𝑔𝑦-1; ζ(𝑝3|R) = ζ(𝑚22|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦; and ζ(𝑗2|R) = ζ(𝑗1|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦+ 1, a contradiction.

  3. Let 𝑈= {𝑚1𝑞,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (2 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑚1𝑞-1|R)= ζ(𝑚𝑛𝑞|R), for 2 𝑔𝑦; and ζ(𝑚2𝑞|R)= ζ(𝑚𝑛𝑞|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  4. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑙𝑔}, 𝑙𝑔 (1 𝑔𝑦+ 1), then ζ(𝑗𝑛|R) = ζ(𝑘𝑛|R), for 1 𝑔 𝑦-1; ζ(𝑚11|R) = ζ(𝑝3|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦; and ζ(𝑗2|R) = ζ(𝑗1|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  5. Let 𝑈= {𝑘1,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (1 𝑔𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗1|R)=ζ(𝑗2|R), for 𝑔=1; ζ(𝑚𝑛1|R)= ζ(𝑘2|R), when 2 𝑔𝑦; and ζ(𝑚𝑦+11|R) = ζ(𝑙𝑦+2|R), when 𝑔=𝑦+1, a contradiction.

  6. Let 𝑈= R = {𝑙1,𝑚𝑔𝑞}, 𝑚𝑔𝑞 (1 𝑔 𝑦+1), then ζ(𝑗1|R) = ζ(𝑗2|R), for 𝑔= 1; ζ(𝑚𝑛-11|R) = ζ(𝑗2|R), when 2 𝑔𝑦-1; ζ(𝑚𝑦1|R) = ζ(𝑚𝑦-12|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦; and ζ(𝑚𝑦+11|R) = ζ(𝑚𝑦+22|R), when 𝑔= 𝑦+1, a contradiction.

Thus, from this we have 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)≥3, implying that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)=3, 𝑛6.

Case(II) 𝑛1(𝑚𝑜𝑑 2).
We set 𝑛= 2𝑦+1, 𝑦Z+ and 𝑦3. Let 𝑈={𝑗2,𝑗𝑦+1,𝑗𝑛}⊂𝑉(M𝑛). Next, each vertex of M𝑛 has given metric coordinate corresponding to the taken set 𝑈.

For vertices over 𝑗-cycle, i.e., {𝑗α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

ꎧ|||(1,𝑦,α)                        α = 1;
|||(α - 2,𝑦 - α +1,α)              2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
||(α - 2,𝑦 - α +1,2𝑦 - α + 1)     α = 𝑦+ 1;
||(α - 2,α - 𝑦 - 1,2𝑦 - α + 1)    α = 𝑦+ 2;
||||(2𝑦 - α + 3,α - 𝑦 - 1,2𝑦- α +1) 𝑦 +3 ≤ α
|⎩                               ≤ 2𝑦 + 1.

For the vertices {𝑘α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)= ζ(𝑗α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛. Next, for the vertices {𝑙α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑙α |𝑈)= ζ(𝑘α |𝑈)+(1,1,1) for 1 α𝑛.

For the vertices {𝑚α : 1 α𝑛}, the metric co-ordinates are

                                    ζ(𝑚 α|𝑈)=
||||(3,𝑦- α + 3,α + 3)             α = 1;
|||||(α +1,𝑦 - α + 3,α +3)          2 ≤ α ≤ 𝑦;
 (α +1,α - 𝑦+ 2,2𝑦 - α + 3)     α = 𝑦+ 1;
||||(2𝑦 - α + 5,α - 𝑦 +2,2𝑦 - α +3) 𝑦 +2 ≤ α ≤ 2𝑦;
|⎩(2𝑦 - α + 5,α - 𝑦 +2,3)        α = 2𝑦+ 1.

Finally, for the vertices {𝑜α 𝑠 : 1 α𝑛,1 𝑠𝑞}, the metric co-ordinates are ζ(𝑜α 𝑠|𝑈)=ζ(𝑚α |𝑈)+(𝑠,𝑠,𝑠) for 1 α𝑛.

Next, these codes for all vertices in M𝑛 are unique and distinct from one and an other in at least one co-ordinate, which results in 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)≤3. Assuming that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)=2, then as in Case (I), we have the same contradictions. Therefore, we have 𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)=3 as well in this case, which proves the theorem.

Proposition 3.2. The resolving independent number for M𝑛 is 3, 𝑛6.

Proof. For the proof, follow Theorem 3.1.

4.   Conclusion and Discussion

Obtaining resolving set for novel planar structure plays an important role in interconnection networks for the transmission of the data. In this article, we proved that 𝑑𝑖𝑚(L𝑛)=𝑑𝑖𝑚(M𝑛)=3, where L𝑛 and M𝑛 are obtained by joining 𝑞-copies of the prism graph on N𝑛 [9] and 𝑈𝑛 [7], respectively. Further, we demonstrated for these two planar convex polytope graphs that the cardinality of respective resolving independent set is also three for them. Further, several other variations of MD were also introduced in last two decades, such as edge metric dimension, local metric dimension, strong metric dimension, mixed metric dimension, etc [111214]. Therefore, in future we will try to investigate several other variants of MD for the planar graphs L𝑛 and M𝑛.

5.   Acknowledgements

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the referees for their careful reading of this manuscript and for all of their insightful comments/criticism, which have resulted in a number of major improvements to this manuscript..

5.1.   Authorship contribution:

M. Gayathri is sole author of this article.

5.2.   Funding:

No funding was used in this study.

5.3.   Conflict of interest:

No conflicts of interest.

5.4.   Declaration:

This research has been conducted ethically, reporting of those involved in this article.

5.5.   Similarity Index:

I hereby confirm that there is no similarity index in abstract and conclusion while overall is less than 5% where individual source contribution is 2% or less than it.

5.6.   Data Availability

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no data set were generated or analyzed during the current study.


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[© 2024 M. Gayathri] This is an Open Access article published in "Graduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Reports & Reviews" (Grad.J.InteR3) ISSN(E): 2584-2919 by Vyom Hans Publications. It is published with a Creative Commons Attribution - CC-BY4.0 International License. This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
