Authors Guidelines

Authors Guidelines for Online Submission:

The corresponding author is supposed to submit the article by the online process using the "Make Online Submission" tab. The manuscript should be prepared as per the defined template guidelines to avoid delays in the editorial process. Read all checkpoints carefully before manuscript submission. Your article should be original and free from a similarity index.  

When you submit the manuscript provide all authors' details e.g. affiliate department & institution(s), name of the city with PIN Code, state and country, email, and ORCIDs.

Submit the full manuscript along with figures and tables. If you are interested to provide it separately then submit it via article components, e.g., the text then under the component: Article Text, if you are providing figures then submit it in the image component, and rest accordingly.

Submission Check List Points:

1. Submitting an original regular research article/editorial/book review/report, wherever credit is due given with proper details. No Chat GPT generated content used.

2. For copyright images/pictures or figures from the internet or from published papers, you have taken permission to use the content and/or give the credit to the source where idea is used from other sources.

3. Approval is taken from all the co-authors for submit/respond to the article, also, authorship in the above mentioned document(s).

4. This submitted article is your own original and not submitted or communicated on other scholarly publishing platforms except to preprint archives.   

5. If the submitted article was rejected earlier by other journal(s), you should submit the referee's remarks to the editor of this journal at the submission time.

6. If at any stage of editorial processing of your article data verification is required you have to provide the same to the editorial staff without delay.

7. Specify the conflict of interests, if any.

Types of Submission

In addition to the regular original research article you can submit the following formats;


Book Review and


Sample files are available in the sidebar of the home page. 

1. Reports

Reports can be considered for publications subject to physics activities only e.g., conferences, workshops, meetings, and seminars. These reports should not exceed more than two pages and 3 figures. Reports will not be peer-reviewed, and hence not included in the indexing of the journal. While comments are invited by the knowledge society. Make a new submission to the Reports section.

2.Book Review

This section covers only Physics subject-related reviews of the books, proceedings, thesis, databooks, special issues, and notes. The reviews should complete within two pages, and will not be considered peer-reviewed. Also, the published reviews will not be included in the indexing of the journal. 

Make a new submission to the Book Review section.


This section covers only Physics subject-related editorials that cover recent theoretical and experimental progress in physics. The editorial should complete within two to three pages, and will not be considered peer-reviewed. Also, the published editorial will not be included in the indexing of the journal.

Make a new submission to the Editorial section.


(total 250-300 words, use 3 keywords in the abstract, 2 keywords should be that used in title)


The phenomenon, survey, reviews the origin of the problem. The abstract should give readers concise and correct information about the material of the article in given headings. 


Explain the purpose to carry out this analysis


The framework of the calculations/observations


Prediction/analysis or comparisons short idea with the existed theories or experimental results


In the context of new results its significance. The abstract should include at the max. 250 words.

1. Introduction

(Section 1), 500-1000 words for introduction, 1000-2000 words for literature review, one should write, reviews of relevant literature, hypothesis, nature & scope of the problem and approach used).

Start first sentence with the keywords which is available in the title and abstract. In this template, all the details are available starting from the title to references; you can use any font for the text [1], and for the equation editor, figures and tables in this template. Our typesetter required only word document. The title length is 20 words [2-3] and first letter is capitalized with bold fonts in centre. The words should be limited and concise not more than 20 words in any case. After the title, authors name starts in a single list. Affiliations of the authors should be according to the superscript numbers, and e-mail id of all the authors at the centre [4-7].     

The first paragraph should be justified and new should start with single line spacing, in a similar way. Before using this [2,8] template your rough draft should be ready along with tables and figures. When you send or upload final manuscript to the editor email or OJS, upload word and pdf both file formats, along with figures separately. All the labels, symbols should be visible clearly in the B & W printing of the figure. Keep your references in serial order to the text.

When you write the introduction keep focus on below given points, all these should be into the introduction to make easy and systematic article information, for the readers.

Review of of Relevant Literature:

When you cite the reference(s) in favour of your research problem, provide only original and relevant references. If necessary only then cite your own reference, otherwise avoid self-citations. If possible keep the heading and sub-heading in the same way as per your work.


If possible keep the heading and sub-heading in the same way as per your work.


Provide the justification for this approach with proper references.

Principal Results:

Principal results that you are expecting from this study should include under this subsection.

Main Conclusion:

At the end of the introduction, provide the information about your research work objectives and main conclusions.   

2. Method & Materials

(Section 2), 500-1000 words, it should include sampling, description of materials, data collection, description of procedure in logical order, measurement. In this section author will describe the purpose, what was done, experiment, model or field study. Author have to organize this section as;

2.1 Description of Materials(subsection)

Describe what was done, how the data was collected about the sample, experiments, etc.

2.2 Description of Procedure in Logical Order(subsection)

First letter of the title and sub-title should be capitalized. Sub-heading you can type in italic form.

2.3 Detail Procedure (subsection)

Sufficient detail of the method of your study, so that procedure can be reproduced by other researchers for verification or check the results for further studies.

3.Results and Analysis

“[(Section 3),500-1000 words] Presents the data, the facts what you have found, calculated, and/or observed. Include your observations about the results [e.g., compare/contrast between experiments, results of calculations using data, such as errors, trends, relationships, generalization shown by the results. Also, mention how your results agree, disagree with previous studies, and why, it’s source etc.”

  The text file in word of your article with all figures should be supply in PDF and word format to the editor, by submitting through journal’s website. Use italic font style for the subsection.

3.1 Tables (subsection)

The tables should be similar as shown in the sample paper. Integer and decimal number should be clear along with title of variables. No vertical lines are allowed into the table. All variable titles should be bold and table caption at the top at the table [4-5,9]. No left-right side border. First title row have only top and bottom lines, and one last bottom line for the whole table. In general three horizontal lines.


[(Section 4),1000-1500 words] Show the relationships among the facts, puts results in context of the previous research. Cover your discussion/analysis keeping focus on these elements; present trends, relationships, generalizations shown by the results. Mention it, how your results agree disagree with previous studies, and why?

4. Conclusion

No number to the conclusion just summarizes your principal findings in this section. Also, following components should be part of your conclusion for this study, to summarize the work. It should relate back to the introduction, the hypothesis, summary of evidences that supporting each conclusion of your study. Implications, the significance of your results or any practical applications.


In case, if you want to acknowledge your colleagues, scientific/technical staff for their kind support and motivation, and/or you get the financial support from any organizations/agencies, you can mention that details under the “Acknowledgement” section without giving any number to the section.

Authorship contribution: Please provide the contribution of each author.


Provide the full name of agency sanctioned the project along with initials, country and grant number with date.

Conflict of interest:

Declare clearly if there is any conflict of interest.


It is an original data and has neither been sent elsewhere nor published anywhere.

Similarity Index:

I hereby confirm that there is no similarity index in abstract and conclusion while overall is less than 10% where individual source contribution is 2% or less than it. 


APA Style:

The references in the text should be cited in terms of number with brackets [1], [2], [3], [4]…..and also into the form [5-9, 17]. It should start from reference one [1], then after in serial order, like references [2-4]. If the authors are six or more than six then please use “et al.” in italic after the name of the first author. For an example, ‘P. P. Kumar et al.’. The way of writing a particular reference depends on, from where you are taking it. Below example are for the published journal [1-3], communicated but accepted for publications [4], a book [5] and proceedings [6] along with thesis reference [7], examples. If you have quoted the website link in your article mention the date on which you extract that information along with URL.

Provide DOI numbers to your references.

Avoid self-references into your own article, use only when article is part of successive work or other authors/researchers’ work are not available. Verify and crosscheck cited references with the list.


    1. Muskan Modi. (2024). Meta-cognition-Driven Problem Solving in Physics Education. Graduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Reports and Reviews 2(02), 110–118.
    2. K. Koriat. (2002). Metacognition research: An interim report, Cambridge University Press, pp. 261.
    3. J. H. Flavell (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry, Am. Psychol., vol. 34, pp. 906–911.
    4. N. H. Schwartz, et al.,(2013). Metacognition: A closed-loop model of biased competition, Springer Nature, pp. 79–94.
    5. M. A. Dirkes. (1985). Metacognition: Students in charge of their thinking, Routledge, vol. 8(2), pp. 96–100.

 NOTE: For equations, figures and tables, please check the sample paper.

Download Journal Article's Template

For the regular research article: Sample Paper