Environmental Disclosure and Share Price Performance
Environmental reporting, social disclosure, share price performance, environmental reporting, governmental reporting, environmental and social governanceAbstract
Background: Businesses are working to create sustainability plans and give investors non-financial data reports that capture other aspects that aren't covered in regular financial reports because they now have a broader perspective than just making a profit. This study underscores the importance of addressing the environmental and social disclosure and share price performance of firms in Nigeria.
Purpose: The objective of the study was to investigate whether environmental reporting, social reporting, governance reporting and environmental and social governance have significant effect on share price performance of listed conglomerate firms in Nigeria.
Methods: The secondary source of data collection was adopted in the study where the purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of ten (10) selected firms for the study. Least Square regression analysis was used in this study.
Results: The findings revealed that social reporting have no significant effect on share price performance while environmental reporting, governance reporting environmental and social governance has significant effect on share price performance of listed conglomerate firms in Nigeria.
Conclusions: It was concluded that the since environment where human being lives are being distorted with substances that are dangerous to his life, the need for sustainability has resulted in the appearance of various international organizations expressing a range of attitudes that guide and direct human dealings with the environment. Finally, it was recommended that there is need for investors and analysts to utilize indicators that factor the social and environmental issues into context prior to investment advice or decisions.
Keywords: Environmental reporting, social disclosure, share price performance, environmental reporting, social
reporting, governmental reporting, environmental and social governance
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