Nanodosimetry: A Study Using The Monte Carlo Code PENELOPE For The TG 6.2 of EURADOS WG 6



Nanodosimetry, Monte Carlo Simulation, PENELOPE, Low Energy Electrons


Background: New technological developments have been made to measure absorbed dose on a small scale, especially at the micro- and nanoscale. Studies have been carried out with short-range ionizing radiation and low-energy particles in human cells to analyse the effect and response of DNA.

Purpose: In this work, a scenario in which a radioactive 125I irradiating several spheres of liquid water were simulated using the EURADOS exercise for computer-aided dosimetry.

Methods: The modelling and simulations were performed with PENELOPE Monte Carlo simulation code. The energy deposited on the targets was used for calculation and analysis.

Results: The obtained results were within acceptable uncertainties of up to 2% in all simulated cases. The average deviation of the results for the two different collisions configurations and the average deviation of the uncertainties obtained in the liquid water targets were 2.5% and 21%, respectively.

Conclusions: The code response was appropriate for the simulated deposited energies in the liquid water sphere, which showed a behavior curve in all configurations and quantitative differences with respect to the first target for different types of collisions.

Keywords: Nanodosimetry, Monte Carlo Simulation, Low Energy Electrons, PENELOPE


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How to Cite

Araújo, L., & Fonseca, T. (2023). Nanodosimetry: A Study Using The Monte Carlo Code PENELOPE For The TG 6.2 of EURADOS WG 6. Graduate Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Reports and Reviews , 1(1), 33–40. Retrieved from



